This Kindle book is LOADED and I mean loaded with some of the best classic mysteries, everyone who ever knew anything about writing mysteries has a hand in here. This is truly a gem, and if they ever put this into print (hint hint) then I will buy it price I do not care.
What amazes me is some of the whining reviews, people saying not having a table of contents is a pain, hey rocket scientist, try thumbing through the pages. Or clicking the Kindle in this case. I admit I am giving a review based on the book and not the Kindle.
The editors of this book did a great job with it, and the way the stories are presented are very well done and make sense to me. I am still not used to the way the Kindle lets me go to a story, I find it very cumbersome. However the authors, Dickens, Christie, Doyle, Collins, Poe are all so good and they are at their very best here.
I have to admit the kindle version made me want to give it a lower rating than I normally would, and I am doing just that because I think they are releasing it in the kindle as a cost saving measure, however for those of us that love this genre, this would be an easy 50 or even more dollars spent, and I would do it with no complaints.
Great books, awesome stories, horrible platform to present them. Thus they get.
4 Stars