Science Fiction Stories and Contexts. This is a large book by Heather Masri PhD.
Now we were excited about this book when my friend Kim saw this. We bought it at a WHOPPING 43 bucks, but the beast is over 1200 pages thick.
Wealth of knowledge we hoped. Well..... Not really. She has a variety of stories in this book and alot of them have nothing to do with Science Fiction. Instead she pulls analogies from them that in her opinion "relate" to science fiction.
Now in all fairness the author does tout this as a clasroom oriented manual to be used we think for creative writing or literature courses. However we were interested in the contexts she uses and also how they relate to writing Science fiction. Well here is our official opinion.
The book really is mistitled, as it has really NOTHING to do with Science fiction, the book offers these long and strenious to read opinions before and after the stories, that by the way are not Sci-Fi stories. I read about 400 pages of the book, then skipped inward to other parts and frankly could not get into the book at all. The book is supposed to be an aid for Sci-Fi writers, and as I dabble in it I was excited to see it as a reference to help better my writing, only to be dissapointed in the end with its long winded self absorbing content.
I will be fair and say this book would be good for a formal class, however this book it not designed to just be purchased and read IF and I stress.... IF you are looking for a Science Fiction writers aid. This book is not that.
3 Stars
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