Thursday, November 4, 2010

Whitesmoke Part Deuxe

Well awhile back I did a review on Whitesmoke. The infamous editing software that touts is a solution to the writers editing ills. Well a new version is out that I was graciously told about via the constant SPAM I get from the creators, and so I fiured what the hell, I will flush 49.99 down the toilet and see if there is an improvement.

Well, before doing so I made it a point to email them that I had a 64 bit operating system, as the old version cannot handle 64 bit. The older version is for 32 only. The email I received was very helpful as it explained to me "possible" delight that, indeed one of the improvements was in fact it supported 64 bit systems. YAY!

Well no.

I downloaded it, installed it and it has a new and fresh interface that I have to admit is more user friendly, however that is where it stops. The software flagged their and there in the worng way, and in syntax where I had slang it changed the words to things that I had NO idea what the hell it meant. Also worst of all were the same infamous issues with taking an entire paragraph and combining every letter into one.

I am being very gracious by giving it.

1 Star

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