Thursday, November 25, 2010
Ranting about nothing
Now that was not the problem. The problem was, it would not scan. As this was the case, the entire world stopped. Stage one was the cashiers look of puzzle, as she scanned it not once, but fourteen times, then six with her wand. Then came a call for a manager, who could not get it to scan. So Lee my BFF asked, "Why not just punch the price in?" This was met with a perplexed look by the manager, and a look of horror by the cashier.
"We cant do that here." The manager said. So we stood there for 13 minutes (yes thirteen) while they... guess..
Tried to get it to scan.
This resulted in us telling them we would just go back and get another one. Which we did, waited another 20 minutes in line, only to get up there.... It would not scan. We walked out to dirty looks by the cashier as to why we would not wait to let them solve the problem.
One more reason I rarely go into that place, and one MORE reason I will avoid it even more now.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Whitesmoke Part Deuxe

Oinga Boingas Oh My

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Eddings - Belgariad
However at the prompting of someone dear to me, I read a book and originally I was going to do a review of it on its own merit. However one turned into two, and well two turned into the entire damn series.
David Eddings is someone I have read "about" however never had read. I have heard allot of good and bad about his stories, and frankly the bad made me really not want to delve into the covers. Saying that here is my review. (Sorry for the intro)
The Belgariad is a five book series, and book one Pawn of Prophecy is a very good book. They get better as they go. The story is about a boy, who is not as he seems, the characters around him are not as they seem, and he is pulled along into a huge and vast adventure. I mean this story is so interwoven, and interlocking with characters, intrigue, and story... The writing is at times simplistic, however it is done sometimes to make the story simple to read, and the author has a great way to make the complex seem understandable at a basic level.
Character development is somewhat a cliche in allot of ways, however he does place cool twists on things at times that makes the story interesting. The writing is clean, however this actually could be because I read a umpteenth printing of the book, so I imagine (or hope) the editing has been spot cleaned.
Overall the books stop and carry on in correct and logical places form book to book, and the ending although predictable in some ways, is fun as it leaves the knowledge that there is something else in the works byt he author. Indeed there is as there is another five book series called the Mallorean that the author continues the story line on with, I am in the middle of the first book of that and like it alot.
The author is deceased passing away a few years ago, and he has reason to smile from above, as he left a legacy to be proud of. Thus we give the Belgariad a well deserved...
5 Stars
Monday, November 1, 2010
Life is short - Buy a book.
The girls sits there for an hour, quietly reading it, Mom then shows up. Please do not ask me where mom was... I have no clue. She asks the girl where she got the book, little girl tells her it was right there, so she wanted to read, it and loved it. As a matter of fact she tells Mom. "Mom, I like this, I want some more books, can you get me some?"
Mom replies. "No, books are stupid, put it down."
I was floored, the girl argued with her Mom, and finally mom's ultimatum was, "Put that dumb book away or I am going to take your makeup away!"
Gee sounds like a deal to me.
Little Love Bug

Basically, he learns through interations with bugs and anumals that he is really his mommies love bug. Now this is a very simple story, however it is so well done by the author, this is one of those books that is classic in its story, and is something I could see on a parents shelf, to one day be handed down to their child.
There is even a cool thing in the back of the book that is so the parent can dedicate the book to their child. I hope to see more books by this wonderful new author, and thus give this wonderful book a solid...
4 Stars

A new round of books
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Are Prisons Obsolete
The straw that broke my reading back however was her anology, that prisons are the new modern plantation that houses minorities and unfailry keeps them. The book mention not that most and I admit there are those few inoocent and also persecuted, however she no where states these men are in prison for breakng societies laws.
I am not some lock em up and throw away the key kinda gal, however I AM a take responsibility for your won actions kinda gal. Yes prisons have issues and we need MASS reform, however this author uses this book as a attack on prisons, and also a defense of minorities in prison as being victims. They are not by and large, and to read a book that extoles prisoners as being victimized makes me cringe.
This book gets....
2 Stars

The Violence of Hate

I do not want to be unfair, or "hateful" here... However the book really does not do much in the way of holding on to the reader. The author is a Sociology professor, and he writes not for the layman, he writes for the student, however assumes you have taken two years of sociology.
The book is statistic heavy, with plenty of charts, and wizz bangs to prove his points, he defines (well I add) some of the terminology for those that are cretins, dumb asses, and overall morons who do dumb things out of misguided ego and hatred. However all through the book the reader runs into monotonous and laborious concepts, and sections, that frankly take what could be a really interesting book, and instead makes it a painful process to get through.
I hate to do this, however this book has the potential to get 4 or even maybe 5 stars, however due to its long boring parts, and assumptions on the readers level of knowledge, this book instead gets a solid.
3 Stars
Tsk Tsk another review
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Arrghhhhhhh Kindle.....
Now I decided to act with an open mind, I turned it on, it told me I had to register in order to download books. So I did register, and it said it accepted my order. So I downloaded (yeah right) Niel Gamines Stardust, S.A.C Doyle's Hounds of the Baskervilles. Well my Kindle froze up on me? I sat there then a message came across telling me that there was a "downloading issue" so I called B&N tech support and they informed me that there was an issue with my Credit Card, I evidently forgot to put the 3 digits that are on the back of the card with my CC info.
Okay, I understand that no problem. So I redid it, and low and behold, I was the proud owner of two ebooks. (more on these later) Well when I got my statement from Visa, I saw I paid for 2 of each book, plus 2 memberships. I guess my CC did go through, then when I called B&N, I was informed that they will immediately refund the extra 2 books. Nice of them... However they do not refund memberships.
Seriously, it took me 3 calls and being on hold almost 45 minutes in total time while they figured it out.
THANKS B&N for the wonderful experience. B&N Customer service gets... well I will save it for my official EBook review coming in a day or so.
New Books
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A bit about Facebook
Saying that however, I am amazed at how Facebook is so popular. I recently deleted my page. Reasoning for this was multi faceted. First of all I think the interface is dull, plain and the user cannot make it inatley "theirs", or unique to their personality.
I also do not like the fact that Facebook turns all features "on" that relate to emails being sent to my inbox, and also my information being available to all. This I think trips up far too many users that do not have normal PC knowledge. We already have far too much info out there in the etheral world of the web.
I also do not like the way it uses "networking" in the strictest sense. Facebook has extreme limits for users that own a small business, I had a personal page, I wanted to create one for our Guild, however was stopped as I had to create a "fan" page.... Please... excuse me?
I also have issues with the usability of the site. Uploading pics "can" be confusing to some, I know Myspace is blas'e to many, however I like it and like its ease, usability, and navigation. I think I am sticking with that site.
I am back however and will be posting here for everyone more bits and pieces.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Squiggly Worm

Monday, March 29, 2010
Author Interviews

Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Mistresses of Henry VIII

Written by Kelly Hart, this book is SO rich in detail and also fact, there are alot of books on the Tudor period, and as I am a Renny, and love dresses of that period, I have to say that this book so much captures the feel of that period for me as a reader.
The book is detailed and chronicles not the well known wives like Ann and Mary, this book detailes other women, and there were alot of them.
Henry the VIIIth was basically a man whore. He liked women and was not picky about how they looked, or how there standing was in society. He had to have variety, and maybe this is where the present Princes of England get it from ;-)
The editing is spotless, the writing superb, and also the HUGE stand out is that this author chronicles the average woman, the woman who this jerk took advantage of, he used them all and after having his pleasure he simply tossed them aside and considered them used. There is a theory that he fthered hundreds of kids from hundreds of women. So you never know if your lineage goes back to that time, old Henry may be your GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGreat Grampa.
This books due to its quality writing, richness of historical fact, and the writers OBVIOUS dedication to her craft earns it a SOLID!!!
5 Stars
King, Ship and Sword

The story was pretty frenectic in a good way. The action was well written, and you (or I) caught myself actually pausing once in awhile from reading to think about the richness I just read.
Something I had no idea about is that I guess this is part of an ongoing series that has been going on for a lot of books. The thing is.. I didnt feel I was left without anything. You really do not notice that you are reading like book 12 or 20.... The only problem with the book is that he leaves alot of little things unresolved, however when I did my internet research on this author, it seems he does that because well... He writes about the main character alot.
The writing is well done, and well rounded, editing is spot on, and he mixes just the right amount of romance, action(lots of this) and solid rich plot to make you want to read another book. Although I wish he would not leave so "much" loose.....
This books gets a solid.
5 Stars
Monday, March 15, 2010

I LOVE Queeen. And when I sw this at Discount book in Kalamazoo, I was so excited as I have never read a story about this so talented man. And to then read that it carried his own words... I got the book and then attacked it.
First off there is a very well written and touching forward by his own Mother. The most touching thing about that is she so misses him, and you can read that in every word she wrote.
The book is not really a story per se, it is more a series of stories and thoughts, analogies mostly by him. He was such a powerful man on stage, so out there, so much the showman, however behind closed doors he was so private and so afraid of interviews. He was a man before his time even back then as he knew what the press usually does to ones words....
This book was very interesting as he detailed alot of the behind closed doors fighting that the band did, he detailed there talks, there private lives, and his own fears and worries. The book was edited very well, and the writers who put together all of this actually did a very nice job at doing it.
The book is insightful without being trashy as he was gay, and even though they mentioned his "laisons" they did it in a way that was tactful, and respected the man and his legacy. I only found one serious issue with this book, and that was the multiple editors, and writers. You can tell when someone else takes over the writing. That made the "flow" disruptive and took some of the enjoyment out of the book. Other than that I would say get this one it is a very good read, and this one gets a well deserved
4 Stars
Blood Ties

I was anxious to get this one, but was let down. So this one gets a solid.
3 Stars
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010
Tech Wench

I am Kim, and I am part also of this sisterhood we call the guild. I am a little more advanced in my book tatstes than the other ladies as I read only E-Books. I will be osting reviews here for the various E-Books and readers that are on the market.
I own several E-Book readers and am currently workin on a review for the Nook and Kindle as well as for the Aztak EZ Reader. So pay a visit back for my reviews. I also will be the tech blogger here, and I plan to write some reviews for some of the tecnological based tools and such that are available to Authors and Publishers.
Toodles !
History of the knights Templar

Written by Susie Hodge this book is essentially an illustrated history as it touts itself to be. What is compelling about this book is that the author does not fall into the traps that other authors fall into when writing about the Templars.
She does not use this as a religious spring board for her beliefs, instead she gives clear and concise reference material, and she backs up her statements and information with a very nice Appendix and reference section.
I am alover of history and the Templars are one of the most misunderstood and misreported parts of our world history. Not all were saints, and instead alot of them were just plain cold blooded murderers, and she reports this in her book with a neutrality that is refreshing and nice to see.
The art work in this book is very cool, as she takes period art and drawings an incorporates them into her book nicley. The book is nicely editied with only some minor issues that take nothing from it. Thus we have awarded this book both an BLUE NEBULA award for writing, and also a DAVINCI AWARD for her illustrations and artwork presentation.
Thus this book get a solid
4.5 Stars
Advance to Adventure

Sheridan Book Binding

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well.... Sharpen doth claws I do......
Now as I do this review I am posting this not as a "Purchaser", I am posting this review as an Author who uses their services.
I must say that I wish there was a better alternative to sell books online that offered their exposure and customer data base. I was very excited when I contacted them and they welcomed me with open arms into the folds of the Amazon Author family. Well that was until two things happened.
First off they informed me that they take 55 percent of EVERY book I sell as their fee. That is the price off of retail. My book retails for 9.99 so for the pleasure of using their site for every book I sell they take 5.00 of it. I called them and got an Author rep, they informed me this is due to their storage of my books.
I am self published (so far).. and they only take ONE book at a time from people like me, so if I sell 10 books in a week they take 5.00 from every book, even though I have to send it via mail at 2.50 per book.. OH WAIT I cant do that as they give INSANELY short "Order Due" times, so I have to send it via Priority mail, that costs me 4.85.
So as a small Author I am basically screwed by them. I asked her (author rep) if they would let me send in 24 books, or other amount, so I wouldnt have to ship all the time and basically LOSE money.. They told me NOPE !!!
I guess if you are not from a Publisher they treat you like crap, OH WAIT !! they treat you nicely as they want your 55 percent. They just use a screwed up logic set to do their small self published author work. I think I may go to a Publisher and pay a fee... in the end I save money then.
2 Stars

Behold The Future

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Writers Tool Box

Whitesmoke Editing Software

The Oort Perimeter

Blitz Cat

Sherlock & Elf

However this book falls flat with me. The premise is simple, two cats that long to see the other side of their masters kitchen window, get their chance once their master go on vacation. Once they are able they have a series of adventures.
Ghastly Glass

This book is written by a husband and wife team named Joyce and Jim Levene. This is a very enjoyable book and one that I think would make a fairly decent trilogy or ongoing story. Murders are happening at a ren faire, and no one knows who is comitting them.
Well, once the old reaper is knocked off then it is up the main character Jesse to find out who is killing people. The book starts off slow with some un-needed background info, however this doesnt detract from the book at all as the story is intersting and fun.
Even though the subject is serious the book is written in such a way that the writers make it fun and a breeze to read. Now the interesting thing is that these people are actually fairly well known "real" journalists. They have won awards for their reporting. So the writing is clear and editing which is a pet peeve of mine is spot on. I havent tried any of the 25 other some odd books they have written, however I was impressed with this one. I do wish character development was a bit better, however I was told by my local librarian that there are other books with this character, so I wont deduct points for that.
I can honestly and solidly give this book.
4.5 Stars
Life Death and Sex in Prison

Murder in a Cathedral

Science Fiction Stories and Contexts

We have a simple easy to understand system.
1 - 5
1 is the worst 5 is the best.
We explain in detail the reasoning behind our rating scales so the reader of this blog can understand and know WHY we say what we say.
Our ratings and this site is to be used as a guide for you, and we do not take money from anyone, nor do we take pay for review... We are sent books by Authors, get them from libraries and Publishers contact us to send us books.
We will take and review within reason any book, however we will NOT review any large well known author. We ONLY REVIEW lesser known small Authors.
And beware, we are VERY HONEST about our reviews. Unbiased and neutral is the key to doing a good review. And we do that.