Saturday, March 27, 2010

King, Ship and Sword

Written by Dewey Lambdin, I was intrigued by the cover, as I love anythng nautical and piratey. (Is this a word?) Well at anyrate, I have to say that this a very agreeable read.

The story was pretty frenectic in a good way. The action was well written, and you (or I) caught myself actually pausing once in awhile from reading to think about the richness I just read.

Something I had no idea about is that I guess this is part of an ongoing series that has been going on for a lot of books. The thing is.. I didnt feel I was left without anything. You really do not notice that you are reading like book 12 or 20.... The only problem with the book is that he leaves alot of little things unresolved, however when I did my internet research on this author, it seems he does that because well... He writes about the main character alot.

The writing is well done, and well rounded, editing is spot on, and he mixes just the right amount of romance, action(lots of this) and solid rich plot to make you want to read another book. Although I wish he would not leave so "much" loose.....

This books gets a solid.

5 Stars

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